Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thrift Store Finds

Okay, I'll admit it; I am addicted to good deals. I mean what sane person isn't? But I am the queen of good deals, the master of prices, the... well you get the point. As a college student I don't always have the funds I would like to spend at the local Goodwill, but when I find a good deal I have to snag it.

While walking down the kitchen aisle looking for knives to introduce into my new apartment I found 4 little teacups as cute as could be. I turned to my mom who was helping me on this adventure and said "If this had the teapot I would buy it." thus moving onto the next aisle. Before leaving I stopped by kitchen once more to find glasses, and guess what I saw sitting in front of those little tea cups from earlier, the TEAPOT! I had to get it, $3 for the best teapot set... who could turn that down?


  1. Such a great find! No way could you pass it up. Nothing beats a good deal. =)
    New follower from Blogging Buddies team! I'm going to check out your Etsy shop now.

  2. WOW! Amazing find; I love the interplay between the angular shape and the soft, wispy pattern. $3! Unbelievable. The people at my local Goodwill wouldn't have let it go for so little!

    By the way, I'm Marie (pillowsophi on Etsy), a new follower from the Blogging Buddies team. Here's my vintage blog: http:/


Thank you so much for the comment!