Friday, November 4, 2011

Feature Friday: DayDreamingGifts

This friday I would like to share with you a member of Etsy who is very involved in the community and a pleasure to work with. She is from Ashburn, VA. Here is a little about her:

Etsy Shop : DayDreamingGifts

"My name is Jennifer and I am a stay-at-home mom who loves to craft! I grew up taking whatever I had around me and making something new and exciting out of it. Creating something out of nothing is an amazing feeling and it's what I strive to do every day.

I started out with paper, ribbon, and pictures, then started playing around with beads, string and needles, and then I got hooked on paint. I'm always up for trying new things and working hard until I feel like I've made something of the best quality.

I bought this elephant burp cloth from her as a gift for a friend. It is so soft and lovely.

If you would like to be featured here contact me with your name, your shop and a little about you. Email me at